Thursday, February 09, 2006

Set Out Another Dessert Plate

UPDATE: Again with the death fantasies? Ann Coutler was apparently at it again today, as Max Blumenthal posts over at Huffington Post. Coutler was playing to her crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference today, so you can imagine each cheery thought was greeted by guffaws, foot-stomping and back-slapping.

Coulter on killing Bill Clinton:
(Responding to a question from a Catholic University student about her biggest moral or ethical dilemna) "There was one time I had a shot at Clinton. I thought 'Ann, that's not going to help your career.'"

Coulter on the Supreme Court:
"If we find out someone [referring to a terrorist] is going to attack the Supreme Court next week, can't we tell Roberts, Alito, Thomas and Scalito?"

CNN announced the hiring of the reprehensible radio "personality" Glenn Beck with great fanfare, and he's since been straining at the bit to be zany and controversial to live up to the hype. Normally that would be enough for me to put him on permanent "ignore", but Media Matters is officially on his case. Media Matters does matter, because the Right Wing Noise Engine is a perpetual motion machine, continually churning out propaganda. The output volume alone requires the coordinated and intelligent response that Media Matters provides.

Beck, in a bid for up-to-the- minute, cutting edge topicality, has dragged President Carter's tired old bones back into the public square for flogging: "Beck rants: Jimmy Carter biggest "waste of skin"". Media Matters provides a taste:
BECK: Is there a day that God ever says, "What was I thinking?" Here's what I mean: Do you think God ever says, "I could've used that skin making somebody of value, you know? I could have used that skin in such a -- just a better way." You know? And its not -- the reason why I bring this up is: Is there a bigger waste of skin than Jimmy Carter? Ya know, I don't mean to, you know, I don't mean to look the maker in the eyes and say, "Eh, kind of a waste," but I'm asking, do you think he ever thinks, "I don't know, man, I could've used that skin someplace else." You know?

The above certainly captures Beck's erudite wit and charm, but the more offensive and more explicit part of Beck's rant tries to draw a roadmap for motivated listeners:

BECK: I think Jimmy Carter is the luckiest man on earth, because he's still walking around. And he was president of the short-term memory country, you know what I mean? . . . . You know, maybe, Jimmy, we wouldn't be in this problem if, I don't know, you didn't have the helicopters burn in the middle of the desert. If you wouldn't have let the whole Islamic revolution thing happen in the first place. What do you say, James? Is there a bigger waste of skin than Jimmy Carter?

When you put the idea that Carter aught not be allowed to be "walking around" together with scapegoating him for all of our troubles in the Middle East, and then repeatedly bray that he's a waste of skin, you are certainly in Coutler Country, and I don't for a minute think Beck strayed there unawares. Set out another plate of cream brulee. CNN should pull the plug on Beck immediately.


panopticonman said...

According to professional haters like Coulter and Beck, threats are ideas, and death threats are jokes.

Here's what I mean:
Right Wing: "Threats 'R' Us"

Esoth said...

Coutler needs new material then. She's repeating herself. I guess Pat Robertson's "Prayer Initiative" for the speedy demise of liberal Supreme Court Justices was a sort of experimental, long-form comedy skit. It's Henny Youngman old by now. Bill Clinton was barely sworn in for his first term when the rumors began circling on the Right that he would not be safe as Commander-in-Chief, as he was a likely candidate for fragging from his own troops. There never was a scintilla of evidence that there was any actual threat (in fact it was a disgraceful way to think of our troops) but there was more than a little wishful thinking by some on the Right.